NAOS 7000 — новая игровая мышка от Mionix
05.12.2013 09:00
Slayer Moon
SocButtons v1.5
Шведская компания Mionix предлагает нам посмотреть на её новый продукт — мышку, предназначенную для игроков.
Аппарат называется NAOS 7000, он имеет размеры 130.84×84.72×38.67мм, весит 103 грамма без кабеля и 147 граммов с ним (кабель не отключается). Мышка основана на сенсоре ADNS 3310, который имеет разрешение 700 DPI, у неё 7 программируемых клавиш, изделие подойдёт и для левшей и для правшей. Показатель DPI регулируется, всего доступно три разрешения сенсора.
Внутри мышки от Mionix работает 32-битный ARM процессор, тактовая частота которого составляет 32МГц, также у аппарата есть 128КБ внутренней памяти для хранения игровых настроек, макросов и так далее. В корпус мышь интегрировано два RGB светодиода, поддерживающих различные типы иллюминации. Ножки NAOS 7000 сделаны из политетрафторэтилена, подключение осуществляется через USB 2.0, коннектор позолочен, а 2-метровый кабель оплетён.
Прилагаемый к мышке софт позволяет записывать те самые макросы, задавать вариации подсветки и настраивать её по своему усмотрению (как-никак, доступно 16.8 миллионов цветов, плюс различные режимы). В память мышки влезает до пяти профилей игроков. Новый «грызун» исправно работает в ОС Windows XP — 8.
Мышка NAOS 7000 от Mionix
Изделие доступно для предзаказа и будет доставлено покупателю до наступления нового года. Стоимость мышки NAOS 7000 составляет 79.99 долларов США. Для нас записали следующий ролик по теме нового творения Mionix:
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Testing Mionix NAOS 7000 with SARGAS 900
I like First Person Shooter games and I played several games with the Mionix NAOS 7000. I played Battlefield 4, Crysis 3, Wolfenstein: The New Order, and CoD Ghost. The experience was good and I didn’t find or noticed anything off while using this mouse. But I could feel that the mouse can still do better and decided to compare it with another surface.
I decided to use the Surface Quality Analyzer Tool and analyze the surface of the SARGAS 900. I’m a little bit disappointed to find out that the results were not that high. The highest score I got was only 70%. If you’re not very particular with accuracy, you might not notice the difference at all. But since I was not that comfortable with the result I decided to analyze the surface of the Roccat’s Raivo Gaming Mousepad as well. Surprisingly the Raivo gaming mousepad got a perfect 100% score in the Surface Quality Analyzer Tool. So I decided to use the Raivo instead for further testing and use of the NAOS 7000.
After that, I’ve spent several hours playing again and probably you can partially blame that why I haven’t published this review sooner. I’m not a claw-type user and I prefer a mouse with a wider surface area where my palm can fully rest while playing or doing some work. Ergonomically speaking, it’s very comfortable and will not easily slip off your hand. No wonder other companies are also imitating the design of the Mionix NAOS.
As I sit here and think back to all the mice we have seen over the years, the really astounding fact is that I am pretty sure I have still not run out of fingers when counting all of them that would allow left handed users a fair shake at gaming. I know that playing the averages, there are way more right handed users on the planet. However, it seems to be a real shame that those that were born better with their left hand, either have to learn to game right handed, or they can stick it out as a lefty, but with a very limited selection of products to choose from.
With that in mind, and the fact that we just looked at the new Naos 7000 from Mionix, it is pretty easy to put together why we are here today. That would be to look at the ambidextrous design that we have seen in only one form previous to this. As it worked out with the new Naos mouse, Mionix is now also offering a companion to the Avior name, and as you may have guessed, this new mouse flaunts an optical sensor, rather than the Avago ADNS9800 sensors we saw in the first releases of the Naos and Avior.
So, as we continue here today, we will be taking you through the latest mouse to hit the shelves from Mionix: the Avior 7000. Unlike the Naos we just looked at, where the design externally had been slightly adjusted to allow a noticeable difference between the laser sensor based and optical sensor based models, the Avior is identical in every way to the original.
Only now, the new Avior is sporting the Avago ADNS3310 for all the optical sensor fans to take advantage of, and they won’t have to settle for the laser based version if that just isn’t their cup of tea.
Specifications, Availability and Pricing
Aesthetically, the Avior is much different from the Naos. This time around, we are dealing with a long and slender design that allows for either hand to operate this mouse. It comes in black, with the top of it using a rubberized coating for grip, as well as looks. There are nine buttons on this mouse, and similar to the Naos design, there is an illuminated logo at the heel of the mouse, and the scroll wheel will also light up once the Avior 7000 receives power. This design is packed into a shape that is 125mm in length, only 65mm in width, stands 36mm tall, and weighs in at an amazingly light 100 grams.
Then, following the chart for the information it has to offer, you can see it uses a lot of the same internal components as the new Naos does. It incorporates the 32-bit ARM processor, the Omron switches, and the addition of the Avago ADNS3310 optical sensor. This also offers up to 7000DPI in three selections via buttons on the mouse, but the scale slides from 50 to 7000, in 50 DPI moves. The Avior also carries the same customizable software, giving you profiles, Macros, and 16.8 million color choices for the pair of LEDs. The Avior also offers the normal things like a 1ms polling rate, PTFE feet, and a braided USB 2.0 cable to transfer information from the mouse to the PC. As always though, if we missed anything here, as we continue we will be sure to cover all aspects of what the Avior 7000 brings to the table.
Unlike when we looked for the Naos, the Avior 7000 is currently a tad more elusive. Google only brings up hits for the Avior 8200 laser sensor based mouse, but after doing a bit more digging, I was able to locate the Avior 7000 on at least one e-tailer’s shelves. That would be over at Newegg, where we found the listing prices at $79.99 U.S. dollars. As a right handed user, and just having seen the much larger Naos that fits the hand like a custom tailored glove, getting much less mouse for that price isn’t very appealing.
For the lefty’s out there, with the limited amount of choices to pick from: finding one as feature rich as what Mionix is able to deliver, is likely worth its weight in gold. By the time we are done looking at the Avior inside and out, and after we play with the software a bit, we can get a better handle on the overall value of what the Mionix Avior 7000 has to offer.
Seite 1: Mionix Avior 7000 und Naos 7000 im Doppeltest
Nur knapp unterhalb der Top-Modelle positioniert Mionix die beiden Gaming-Mäuse Avior 7000 und Naos 7000. Es handelt sich dementsprechend um Eingabegeräte der Oberklasse, die auch anspruchsvolle Spieler zufriedenstellen sollen und entsprechend gut ausgestattet sind. Bei sehr ähnlichen Spezifikationen gibt es doch einen entscheidenden Unterschied zwischen den beiden Mäusen. Wir setzen uns deshalb gleich in einem Doppeltest mit ihnen auseinander.
Mionix hat sich einen Namen als kompromissloser Gaming-Spezialist gemacht. Angeboten werden in erster Linie Eingabegeräte und Zubehör sowie ein Headset. Das aktuelle Line-up ist aber nicht nur in der Audiosparte aufgeräumt und überschaubar. Auch bei den Eingabegeräten konzentriert sich Mionix auf einige wenige Modelle. So wird mit der Zibal 60 nur eine — dafür aber überzeugende — Tastatur angeboten.
Bei den Gaming-Mäusen gibt es etwas mehr Auswahl. Prinzipiell gibt es zwei Produktreihen: Die Avior-Mäuse sind spiegelbildlich aufgebaut und damit beidhändig nutzbar. Die Naos-Mäuse sind hingegen ergonomisch auf die Bedürfnisse von Rechtshändern ausgelegt. Als Top-Modell fungieren aktuell die beiden Modell Avior 8200 (zu unserem Kurztest) und Naos 8200, deren Herzstück jeweils ein Lasersensor mit 8.200 DPI ist. Knapp darunter angesiedelt ist das hier getestete Gespann aus Avior 7000 und Naos 7000. Anstelle des Lasersensors verbaut Mionix bei diesen Mäusen einen optischen Sensor mit IR-LED, konkret den ADNS 3310 aus dem Hause Avago. Abgesehen vom etwas geringeren Auflösungsvermögen von 7.000 DPI sind die typischen Vor- und Nachteile eines optischen Sensors zu erwarten. Ob zu einer Maus mit Lasersensor oder mit optischem Sensor gegriffen wird, ist letztlich aber eine Frage der persönlichen Vorliebe.
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Aktuell sind die beiden Mionix-Mäuse in Deutschland kaum verfügbar. Erwartet wird ein Verkaufspreis von rund 80 Euro. Damit würde der Preis von Avior und Naos 7000 etwa 10 Euro unter der unverbindlichen Preisempfehlung für Avior und Naos 8200 liegen.
Für einen Ersteindruck von beiden Mäusen und von der optional nutzbaren Software bieten wir ein Ausgepackt & angefasst-Video an:
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Mionix Avior 7000 | Mionix Naos 7000 | |
Sensor: | Avago ADNS 3310 | Avago ADNS 3310 |
Abtastrate: | 7000 DPI | 7000 DPI |
Abtastrate: | 1000 Hz | 1000 Hz |
Interner Speicher: | 128 kB | 128 kB |
Zusätzliche Tasten: | 4 Daumentasten; 2 DPI-Tasten | 2 Daumentasten; 2 DPI Tasten |
Design: | beidhändig nutzbar | ergonomisches Design für Rechtshänder |
Beleuchtung: | 2 RGB-LEDs, 16,8 Millionen Farben | 2 RGB-LEDs, 16,8 Millionen Farben |
Gleitfüße: | 2 Gletflächen, PTFE | 4 Gleitflächen, PTFE |
Kabel: | 2 Meter, gesleevt | 2 Meter, gesleevt |
Abmessungen: | 125,3 x 65 x 36,6 Millimeter | 130,84 x 84,72 x 38,67 Millimeter |
Gewicht: | 100 Gramm (ohne Kabel) |
103 g (ohne Kabel) |
Preis: | ca. 80 Euro | ca. 80 Euro |
Verpackung und Lieferumfang
Mionix verpackt die Mäuse in dickwandige und robuste Kartonboxen. Auf der Vorderseite ist das jeweilige Eingabegerät annähernd in Lebensgröße abgebildet.
Die Rückseite informiert mehrsprachig über die wichtigsten Spezifikationen und Features der Mionix-Mäuse. Beim Blick auf diese Angaben wird erneut deutlich, wie ähnlich sich Avior und Naos 7000 trotz ihrer unterschiedlichen Form sind.
Der Lieferumfang ist sehr überschaubar. Den Mäusen liegen jeweils nur ein knapp gehaltener Info-Zettel und ein Sticker bei. Ein Datenträger wird hingegen nicht mitgeliefert, sodass die empfehlenswerte Software von der Herstellerseite herunterzuladen ist. Prinzipiell können die Mäuse direkt nach dem Anschließen genutzt werden, um den Funktionsumfang voll ausschöpfen zu können, ist die Software aber unverzichtbar.
<>Mionix Avior 7000 und Naos 7000 im DoppeltestOptik und Materialien
Mionix NAOS 7000 Specifications
- 32bit ARM processor 32mhz
- Ergonomic, right-handed gaming mouse.
- Soft touch rubber coating
- 7 fully programmable buttons
- 3 steps in-game DPI adjustment
- 2 integrated LEDs in 2 color zones
- Up to 16.8 Million LED color options
- Color shift, Solid, Blinking, Pulsating and Breathing effects
- 128 kb built-in memory
- Large PTFE mouse feet
- Gold Plated, Full speed USB 2.0 connection with Plug and Play
- Cable 2m long braided cable
Sensor Specification
- ADNS – 3310 gaming grade IR-LED optical sensor
- Up to 7000DPI
- MAX tracking speed of at least 5.45m/sec (215 IPS)
- No positive or negative hardware acceleration
- Adjustable Lift Off Distance
Software Features
- Up to 5 Profiles saved to the in-built memory
- Adjustable X / Y Axis
- Adjustable Polling Rate
- Live record macro manager
- Up to 16.8 million color LED options
- Customize RGB manger
- Pulsating, Blinking and Breathing LED effects
- Color Shift lighting mode
- Angle Snapping adjustable in 15 steps
- Angle Tuning adjustable from -30 to 30 degrees
- LOD Calibration tool
- S.Q.A.T – Surface Quality Analyzer Tool
Dimensions & Weight
- 130.84×84.72×38.67 mm / 5.15×3.33×1.52 in
- Net Weight (w/o cable): 103 grams
- Net Weight (cable incl.): 147 grams
Final Thoughts
While the Avior 7000 offers all the features and functionality on the software level that we found with the Naos, the shaping really throws me off. Using the long and slender design after having such a wide platform as the Naos offered, really exaggerates the slim design to the point that I almost felt more like I was pointing a stick, rather than moving a mouse. While the Avior offers two more buttons than the Naos offers, two of those buttons become irrelevant for the most part, as it is really tough to get your ring finger or the little finger to comfortably access them. If you plan to program and use them to your needs, be sure that when you go to use them, you are not in the line of fire, because to actuate those switches, you almost have to remove your hand from the rest of the mouse.
There are a lot of good things going for this design though. Most importantly is that it is light, smaller, and easier to travel with, and it is ambidextrous, giving left handed users one more choice in this limited market of mice. The sensor shows no issues of lag or stuttering from vibrations, or from any sort of drag against the surface it is used on. The large feet make gliding this 100 gram mouse very effortless. The braided cable is also a nice touch. Once we take into consideration the amount of controls offered in the software, the Avior 7000 is slightly ahead of most other offerings in this department. Since a lot of these ambidextrous mice are similar in shape, it is things like software and aesthetics that are going to win over potential customers. That, and the fact that the LEDs can be set to match any theme doesn’t hurt this mouse one bit either.
There are cheaper solutions out there on the market, even for ambidextrous designs. While I do like other designs more than I like the feel of this Avior, what makes this a real contender in today’s market is the software’s ability to offer full control of all of the aspects that gamers want control over. Even with limited Macro programmability, the sheer amount of programming (to the tune of thirty six other functions outside of the basic commands that are set by default), also makes this mouse a real contender.
For me personally, I think the pricing is a bit steep, I mean we are getting about a third less mouse than what the Naos offered at the same price point; just to trade off for left hand usage. I think more realistically, this mouse would be of great value in the $65 U.S. dollar range; so if I were you, and you were really digging the new Avior 7000 from Mionix, I would keep an eye out for sales to get the best value out of this device.
Mionix NAOS 7000 Review: Conclusion
Now it’s conclusion time and for products like a gaming mouse I think the major deciding factor is personal preference. First of all, the NAOS 7000 doesn’t have an ambidextrous design and it’s basically made for right-handed users. So if you are a left handed user, better look for another gaming mouse. Second is the type of mouse grip; the NAOS 7000 is definitely best suited for palm grip type users, despite that it is mentioned from their site that it is also suited for Claw grip users. Some Claw grip users might not be fully comfortable with the NAOS 7000 and may take some time for them to fully adjust. For fingertip grip users, sorry but this might not be for you as well. So basically if you are a palm grip user, you will definitely enjoy its ergonomic design.
Moving on, when it comes to features, the Mionix NAOS 7000 won’t disappoint you. It’s built with ADNS-3310 optical sensor which, for me, did a great job while I was playing my favorite FPS games. I didn’t notice anything strange and I didn’t encounter any acceleration issues or the mouse not being responsive. It’s built with just the enough buttons that you need for a first person shooter game, plus you can assign some macro functions if ever you needed this kind of feature on a mouse. I guess the only thing that is missing in this mouse is a weight option. Like I said earlier, it feels a little light for me, and I would have preferred if it was a little heavier. But there are also users who want a lighter gaming mouse, that’s why a weight option would be nice.
At the end of the day, the Mionix NAOS 7000 gaming mouse is a very comfortable gaming mouse and I wouldn’t hesitate recommending it to palm-grip users. However, I’m not that confident enough recommending this to claw grip users, and definitely not to left handed users. If you are left handed, I would suggest you check out the Mionix Avior 8200 instead or look somewhere else. Quality is very much observable in this mouse, and for its current price and the comfort that it provides, the NAOS 7000 deserves The PC Enthusiast’s Highly Recommended award.
Страница 1: Тест и обзор: Mionix Avior 7000 и Naos 7000 – игровые мыши
Производитель игровой периферии Mionix позиционирует две модели Avior 7000 и Naos 7000 чуть ниже топовых мышей. Они по-прежнему относятся к high-end категории и способны удовлетворить даже самых требовательных геймеров, оснащение мышей находится на высоте. Но с учетом схожих функций, между двумя моделями есть принципиальная разница. Ниже мы подробно рассмотрим новинки.
Компания Mionix хорошо зарекомендовала себя на рынке игровой периферии. Она предлагает различные устройства ввода и аксессуары, а также гарнитуры. Ассортимент продукции Mionix не так велик, особенно это касается аудио. Даже по устройствам ввода Mionix предпочитает концентрироваться на небольшом числе моделей. Клавиатура предлагается единственная — Zibal 60, хотя три года назад она показала весьма достойные результаты в тестах.
По игровым мышам ассортимент чуть больше. Его можно разделить на две продуктовые линейки: мыши Avior имеют симметричную форму, поэтому подходят и для правшей, и для левшей. Мыши Naos, напротив, ориентированы на правшей. Здесь можно отметить две топовые модели Avior 8200 (тест и обзор) и Naos 8200, которые обладают сенсором с разрешением 8.200 dpi. В нашу тестовую лабораторию поступили две модели классом пониже Avior 7000 и Naos 7000. Вместо лазерного сенсора Mionix установила в них оптический сенсор с ИК-светодиодом, а именно модель ADNS 3310 от Avago. Помимо чуть меньшего разрешения 7.000 dpi, здесь можно отметить типичные преимущества и недостатки оптического сенсора. Впрочем, выбор мыши с оптическим или лазерным сенсором – дело вкуса.
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Перед тем, как мы перейдём к изучению обеих мышей, позвольте привести видеоролик первого знакомства и распаковки.
Mionix Avior 7000 | Mionix Naos 7000 | |
Сенсор: | Avago ADNS 3310 | Avago ADNS 3310 |
Разрешение: | 7000 DPI | 7000 DPI |
Частота опроса: | 1000 Гц | 1000 Гц |
Встроенная память: | 128 кбайт | 128 кбайт |
Дополнительные кнопки: | 4 для большого пальца; 2 для DPI | 2 для большого пальца; 2 для DPI |
Дизайн: | для левшей и правшей | эргономичный для правшей |
Подсветка: | 2 RGB LED, 16,8 млн. цветов | 2 RGB LED, 16,8 млн. цветов |
Ножки скольжения: | 2 ножки, PTFE | 4 ножки, PTFE |
Кабель: | 2 метра, в оплетке | 2 метра, в оплетке |
Габариты: | 125,3 x 65 x 36,6 мм | 130,84 x 84,72 x 38,67 мм |
Вес: | 100 г (без кабеля) | 103 г (без кабеля) |
Цена: | около 80 евро | около 80 евро |
Комплект поставки и упаковка
Мыши Mionix упакованы в коробки из толстого и прочного картона. На лицевой стороне изображены обе мыши практически в натуральную величину.
На заднике коробки приведена информация на нескольких языках о ключевых спецификациях и функциях мыши Mionix. По приведенной информации мыши Avior и Naos 7000 очень похожи, несмотря на разную форму корпуса.
Комплект поставки скромный. Кроме мыши вы получите информационный буклет и наклейку. Накопителя в комплект поставки не входит, так что программное обеспечение лучше будет скачать с сайта производителя. В принципе, обе мыши можно использовать сразу после подключения к компьютеру без установки драйверов, но для полной функциональности всё же следует выполнить установку.
<>Тест и обзор: Mionix Avior 7000 и Naos 7000 – игровые мышиВнешний вид и материалы
Packaging and Documentation
As with every mouse we have seen from Mionix, there is flat black packaging that offers a large image of the mouse and the naming on the front panel.
Spinning the box around, the back is much more informative. Here, the image of the mouse is surrounded with seven features like the DPI range, the coating, and the 32-bit MCU, just to name a few. At the right, the features are listed in various other languages to cover their customer base.
On the only other panel that isn’t just black, we are offered a QR Code to obtain the information from the site. This panel also shows the system requirements, and tells us that there is a mouse, and a guide inside of the box.
Just like the rest, you have to slide the inner box out of the sleeve to gain access to the mouse. The inner box allows the cable to be tucked under the cardboard at the side, and the mouse is then covered in plastic to keep it protected, and locked in place for shipping.
Under the mouse, you will locate the provided guide, as well as a sticker that you can put on anything your heart desires.
Inside of the guide, Mionix covers the installation process, shows that you need the software for full customizability, and that they do offer a basic warranty for the term of one year inside of the USA.
The back of the guide says in layman’s terms, that if you have any questions, need specific support, want to register the mouse, or to get the software, you will need to visit their site.